Course curriculum
Welcome to the course!
- A message from Bryce
- Points list course version control
- How to use this course
Chapter 0 Downloads
- Download: BMS Points list template
Chapter 1 Points list
- C1L1 Points list: Introduction
- C1L2 Points list: D&C
- C1L3 Points list: Phase 1 (part 1 of 2)
- C1L4 Points list: RFIs & Technical Submissions
- C1L5 Points list: Phase 1 (part 2 of 2)
- C1L6 Points list: It's all about the money
- C1L7 Points list: Points list spreadsheet
- C1L8 Points list: Phase 2 & 3
- C1L9 Points list: Additional monitoring
- C1L10 Points list: Quality assurance
- C1L11 Points list: Design templates
- C1L12 Points list: Wiring diagrams vs points lists
Next steps
- You did it! What next?